Introducing New Personality Types

It has long been understood that personality types could be separated into two mutually exclusive groups: type A and type B. As far as I understand it, type A personalities are dominant leader types and type B are submissive follower types. Despite being mutually exclusive, I do not believe they partition the population. It follows that there must be more “types”, and I submit two more:

Type B+

A B+ type of person is the “lead from behind” kind person. While they're not dominant, they may be assertive. They're confident but humble, leaders when a leader is needed, and a worker-among-workers other times.

Type C

A C type of person dances to the beat of their own drum. They try to neither lead or be led. They are often confident, sometimes assertive, and never boring.

I believe there are more types, and I'm curious to know other's thoughts.